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About Us

Welcome to the Ministry/Government website dedicated to safety for women and children. Our aim is to create a safe and secure environment for all, especially those who are most vulnerable. We are committed to promoting social and economic empowerment of women and ensuring development, care and protection of children.


The vision is to create a world where women are empowered to live with dignity, free from discrimination and violence, and are equal partners in the process of development. Additionally, it aims to provide a nurturing environment for children that is safe and protective, giving them full opportunities to grow and develop.

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Mission for women

The mission for women is to promote their social and economic empowerment through the implementation of cross-cutting policies and programs. This involves mainstreaming gender concerns, creating awareness about their rights, and providing institutional and legislative support to enable them to realize their human rights and reach their full potential.

Mission for children

The mission for children is to ensure their development, care, and protection through the implementation of cross-cutting policies and programs. This includes spreading awareness about their rights and facilitating access to learning and nutrition. Additionally, institutional and legislative support is provided to enable them to grow and develop to their full potential.

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