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100 - Police Help line | 108 - Help line for Medical Emergency | 181 - Abhayam Women Helpline | One Gujarat App | One Stop Crisis Center | All Women Cyber Unit


Frequently Asked Questions

The Government of India accords utmost priority to safety of women & senior citizen in the country. The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) of the Government of India have undertaken number of measures for enhancing safety of women and Senior citizen in the country. Safety and security of women and senior citizens are the prime concerns for any city. Ahmedabad Police have always been a pioneer in taking initiatives for their citizens like Safe city Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad City Police would like to take another step into that direction and create one city mobile application for citizens (Senior & Adults) of Ahmedabad. In the aura of Technology, this is the second best and most convenient option as the access is with user and based upon their convenience. Citizens can apply/avail the services and ask for help/assistant from the Ahmedabad city police

With this app platform, the city police aim at developing a technology ecosystem using cutting edge technology to act as a base for immediate and future technological needs of Ahmedabad City Police. Bidders are expected to make the app platform architecture should be built using micro services architecture pattern. Some of the key consideration for the microservices platform architecture are Componentization – Every business domain has to be at least one or more microservice/s. They should be independent components that can be easily deployed, replaced and upgraded. Reusability- The platform architecture created should be reusable for all current and future services. Decoupling – Services have to be largely decoupled. So, the application as a whole can be easily built, altered, and scaled Business Capabilities – Microservices are very simple and focus on a single capability Autonomy – Multiple developers and different teams can work independently of each other, whenever required. Continuous Integration - Continuous Delivery – The platform architecture shall allow frequent releases of software, through systematic automation of software creation, testing, and approval Responsibility – Microservices architecture should focus on applications as projects. Instead, they should treat applications as products for which they are responsible Decentralized Governance – The focus is on using the right tool for the right job. That means there is no standardized pattern or any technology pattern. Developers have the freedom to choose the best useful tools to solve their problems Agility – Microservices architecture should support agile development. Any new feature should be quickly developed and discarded again reusability.

English, Hindi, Gujarati

Report an incident with audio, video, pictures.

• Complaint registration.

• SOS Button.

• Registration of 3 family/friends where information can be sent for any distress calls.

 • Collaborative monitoring- declare the location of cameras

• Request for various services like gun licenses, band etc. (All the other services mentioned below in police helpdesk service module details)

• Integration with 108, fire and other emergency service using Ahmedabad city police.

• Track me

• Facility of Scanning QR code in transport aggregators

• Rate city areas on security grounds

• Feedback to policing services

• eChallan Tracking and Payment

• Vahan Integration

• View various security alerts and details of wanted criminals

 • Track status of complaints raised




• Complaint registration.

• SOS Button.

• Registration of 3 family/friends where information can be sent for any distress calls.

• Collaborative monitoring- declare the location of cameras.

• Request for various services like gun licenses, band etc. (All the other services mentioned below in police helpdesk service module details

100 nos. of She Teams vehicles (Bolero) have been procured and are fully functional.

These vehicles are deployed in 50 police stations and SOP for their operations has already been formulated and vehicles are following them in their day to day operations. These vehicles are proving to be game changers in our combat against domestic violence, eve teasing, slum area patrolling and for over all women safety.

Each SHE team has Total 5 members, 4 female and 1 male members. 1 senior member and 4 constables.

They are used to create awareness and support to women safety.Two teams are attached to 1 police station.

  1. Each team does minimum 1-2 meetings and programmes every day in community operations.
  2. How can any female can be reached to she team member


Toll free number or  using one city app

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